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Why We Need You

More than a quarter of Berkeley undergraduates are the first in their families to attend college. CE3 has a vital role to play in serving first-generation students, who are recognized as a top priority across the UC system. CE3 seeks your support to offset the particular challenges faced by these students, specifically those who have transferred to Berkeley from another institution, were formerly incarcerated, or are raising children. When you give to support CE3’s Transfer Student Center, Transfer Transition Program, Berkeley Underground Scholars, or Student Parent Center, you provide critical resources for students who have beat the odds in order to attend Berkeley. Donate to our programs today by clicking on the following links!

Berkeley Hope Scholars

Graduating Hope Scholars at UC Berkeley

Berkeley Hope Scholars supports current and former foster youth, probation youth, and students who were orphaned before the age of 18.  Our scholars benefit from community and resources that enable them to explore and define what they want from their Berkeley experience.

Cal Veterans Service Center

Cal Veterans gathered together at UC Berkeley campus

The Cal Veteran Services Center at UC Berkeley expands access and empowers veteran and military-affiliated student engagement within this public research university.  Our work engages individuals and the broader community to facilitate a transformational higher education experience for 600+ veterans and military-affiliated students. 

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

EOP student staff gathered together at a UC Berkeley event

For more than 55 years, Berkeley’s Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) has provided first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented college students with the guidance and resources necessary to thrive at the world’s best public university. Counselors build upon students’ own distinct strengths and challenge them to establish new paradigms of achievement for themselves and their communities.

Miller Scholars Program

A group of students who identify as the Miller Scholars posing in a group picture.

Annually, the George A. Miller Scholars Program provides ten outstanding low-income, first-generation community college transfer students the opportunity to develop leadership, research, and/or community service skills and apply them in practice. A close-knit community, Miller Scholars receive individualized attention and guidance to facilitate their successfully transition to and academic success at UC Berkeley and beyond.

Re-entry Student Program

A group of students who identify as Re-entry Students posing in a group picture.

The Re-entry Student Program supports students who come to Berkeley later in life by providing the strategic and holistic resources that assist with meeting their academic and life goals. Re-entry students bring their life and professional experience to Berkeley along with ethnic, and cultural diversity that powerfully and positively impact our learning environment.

Student Parent Center

Student parent with her daughter at Sather Gate

The Student Parent Center is committed to the holistic support and success of a highly motivated population of undergraduate and graduate students who are engaged scholars, as well as devoted parents at UC Berkeley.

Transfer Student Center

A group of students who identify as transfer students posing in a group picture.

Established in 1999, the Transfer Student Center is the first of its kind in the UC system, paving the way for greater transfer student support, advocacy, and recognition across all University of California campuses. The Transfer Student Center has helped thousands of transfer students over the years navigate a new campus culture, adjust to the demands of the research university, explore career development opportunities, and  build community.

Undocumented Student Program (USP)

A group of USP students posing in a group picture.

The Undocumented Student Program (USP) at UC Berkeley provides comprehensive support to the undocumented student community, which is now at around 500 students. Given the current political climate, it is extremely important that we continue to provide the services and support that our undocumented students need to succeed.